Preventive Care Visits
What is a Preventive Care Visit:
Your Preventive Care Visit (Physical) includes a routine physical exam, immunizations and services such that have been defined by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
For a growing number of health plans, insurance providers will no longer be able to charge a copay, deductible or coinsurance for preventive services.
Please be aware that if you have other health issues, your insurance may require Family Practice Group to charge a copay for that visit.
- Check with your insurance company and the table below about what preventive services are covered by your plan.
Copay or No Copay:
“HIDDEN COPAYS” Even if a preventive test or screen is fully paid by insurance, you may still have a copayment or co-insurance for the doctor’s office visit. That is, the preventive care is free, but the doctor’s visit is not.
Your Preventive Care Visit (Physical) which includes a routine physical exam and immunizations does not require a copayment.
- If you discuss symptoms of acute or chronic diseases at your Preventative Care Visit (Physical) it is considered “diagnostic” and you will most likely be required to pay a copayment.
Example: Let’s say you make a doctor’s appointment specifically for a preventive service or test (Preventative Care Visit/Physical), but during the course of the visit you are treated for an unrelated problem, like the flu or changes in your diabetes medications. For this visit you would be required to pay the copayment for the office visit.
Family Practice of Dr. Gisi's Core Value:
- Treating the whole person is a core value at our practice. We strive to address all of your concerns and properly investigate issues that arise during your visit.
- When patients come to see their health care providers for a Preventative Care Visit (Physical) they should expect the possibility that both preventive care and acute problems may be addressed during the same visit. Because of this copayment may be charged.
Request an Appointment
To discuss family planning or contraceptive options, or for more information about our services, request an appointment or call 951.303.6158